is CURLOPT_FILE operation atomic?
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 2010 13:29:39 -0400
Hello all,
My application continuously downloads several XML files through cURL FTP
methods at a certain interval (say once every hour).
Also, another process reads those files and performs operations on them
(read, mv, cp, etc) at a different interval.
Does anyone know if the WRITE_DATA operation is atomic?
In other words. Is it safe to assume that if I'm downloading file X,
and another process is trying to access X while curl_easy_perform is
writing to it, the other process will not get a corrupted or partial file?
I'm attaching some sample code. Thank you in advance.
//open local file in write mode
pFile = fopen(localSchPath.c_str(), "w");
//verify that file opened correctly
if(pFile == NULL)
logMgr.logf(LOG_GENERAL_BASE, "Error: Opening of schedule file
\"%s\" failed.", localSchPath.c_str());
return FAILURE;
//set cURL options
((retCode = curl_easy_setopt(mp_curlConnection, CURLOPT_URL,
remoteSchPath.c_str())) != CURLE_OK) || //set url of file to be downloaded
((retCode = curl_easy_setopt(mp_curlConnection, CURLOPT_FILE,
pFile)) != CURLE_OK) ||//set file where data will be stored
((retCode = curl_easy_setopt(mp_curlConnection,
directory listing option to retrieve entire contents of the file
logMgr.logf(LOG_GENERAL_BASE, "cURL: Error: Setting options to
download file \"%s\".", localSchPath.c_str());
return FAILURE;
//execute download
logMgr.logf(LOG_GENERAL_BASE, "cURL: Error: Downloading of
schedule file \"%s\" failed.", remoteSchPath.c_str());
return FAILURE;
fclose(pFile); //close file stream.
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Received on 2010-11-04