cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


RE: SMTP SSL does not start, no authentication (was empty subject)

From: Patrick Monnerat <>
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2010 20:16:59 +0200

Alona Rossen wrote:

>Libcurl version is 7.21.0
This should contain up-to-date code for SMTP SSL and authentication.

>>>>Moreover, cURL command line tool is working. This means the problem
should be at the code level and not at the level of the library

But be careful if you have more than one version of libcurl installed:
the curl command line tool may use a library while your app uses
another. This has already been a very common source of troubles.

> The output of my application seems bizarre. I explicitly cancel host
verification, however, your output shows "* SSL certificate verify ok."

Actually, I recompiled libcurl from git and turned your program into a C
program on Linux for the test (I had C++ compilation problems). I did
that in a very "quick and dirty" way for the test purpose. This might be
the source of undetected type mismatches that can explain why this is
not 100% what you expect. In particular, why the check has been
performed here unexpectedly. However this has nothing in common with
your current problem.

Please also note that we have not the same configuration: Linux vs
Solaris, todays's git vs 7.21.0, openssl vs ?, etc. This is a potential
alternate cause to verbose output mismatches.

If you succeed on gmail with SSL using the curl command line tool, I
would suggest you to use the --libcurl <file> option to get the
important curlopt settings.

I'm afraid I have no other idea to track your problem that clearly
resumes in "SSL not starting". Perhaps now someone with more skills
about Solaris (library path searches, type sizes, etc) would give you a
better support ?

Good luck
List admin:
Received on 2010-10-19