cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: Problems with Windows Binaries

From: Guenter <>
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2010 05:41:58 +0200

Am 15.10.2010 21:12, schrieb David Graf:
> Because of problem (1), I tried to compile curl with ssl myself.
certainly the best you can do!
> I followed the instruction at
> Everything went well. I could link my project agains the .lib files
> and execute it with the generated dll file. But the execution was
> unbelievable slow. 5x slower that with the 7.15.1 package. Something
> is wrong with openssl. If I compile curl without ssl, the speed is
> ok. Does someone know to fix this problem?
I would try to compile OpenSSL with ASM support.

BTW. you mentioned docu form stackoverflow - maybe you can contribute
the things which were missing for you from our ./docs/INSTALL file ?


List admin:
Received on 2010-10-16