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MacOSX framework Was: current issues

From: Hendrik Visage <>
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 14:09:49 +0200

Exec summary: Yes, we need to discuss the version/directory labeling.
Need to think/play with this based on other advice/ideas.

On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 6:01 PM, Daniel Johnson
<> wrote:
> On Sep 21, 2010, at 10:33 AM, Daniel Stenberg wrote:
>> On Tue, 21 Sep 2010, Hendrik Visage wrote:
>>> Okay, then please email me what people are having trouble with, then I can fix them etc. ;)
>> I committed and pushed your patch a while ago, please get the latest git/snapshot and see how it works for you!
> I built this on 10.6 successfully, however the new versioning scheme is broken. The library gets installed in Versions/Release-$VERSION instead of Versions/A like it previously did, which means that anything linked to the previous framework will fail at runtime. Even worse, going forward, every release will be incompatible with every other one. You're essentially changing the SONAME (install_name in darwin-speak) with each version. The 'A' directory should only change when the major library version changes. The current version is 4 so when it goes to 5, the Versions directory can change to 'B' or '5' or whatever but not before.

Hmmm.... Right... and wrong ;(

I've been having troubles with 7.19 vs 7.21 etc. in tests w.r.t. the
C++ wrappers... and me needing certain functionality that were not in
the older versions, and thus the reason I wanted to have those extra
versions when using these new features... and some where I had
troubles with a version linked to the older and I only have the later
version available.

The A/B vs. Release-$VERSION debate: I think that could be an
"unwritten rule/advice" as I have not seen that, but rather that it
should be a reference to the versions/etc. and then we could/should
have something like Release-$SOver-$Maj.$Min.$Bug and have
Release-$SOver point to the latest or stablest/etc.

Ie. When we have feature changes, we need to find a way to indicate to
the application that makes use of the newer features, whether those
features are available or not...

> Daniel
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Received on 2010-09-23