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Re: Cross-compiling libcurl x86 on Linux x64

From: Daniel Egger <>
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2010 14:51:27 +0200

On 19.09.2010, at 02:52, Tom Edwards wrote:

> I gave in, grabbed an x86 distro, built libcurl in 32 bits from the CD, and that has bypassed the whole problem. I'd be interested to hear of anyone who has actually built in 32bits on x64 arch...I can't find any discussion online, but then again the need to do this kind of job at all is rare in the Linux domain.

> Even if this "real cross-comp" you're talking about is the ultimate solution, -m32 really ought to work as well!

-m32 on x86_64 is tricky in several ways: The ABI is different and
linux x86 doesn't know multiarch libraries of fat binaries like other
systems to. Basically that means that the compiler has to take
completely different approaches to compile the object code and also
instruct the assmebler and linker to compile for the 32bit ABI and
check for the right version of the libraries.

I can very well imagine that somewhere the whole process takes a
turn in the wrong direction.

It might have helped if you posted the complete configure commandline,
put the output of configure somewhere and posted a couple of lines of
the make output. So we all can only guesstimate what went wrong here
and have little ways to fix the problem, assuming there really is one.


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Received on 2010-09-19