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Re: Cross-compiling libcurl x86 on Linux x64

From: Daniel Egger <>
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2010 23:37:55 +0200

On 18.09.2010, at 09:13, Tom Edwards wrote:

>> I build my cross-binaries (of curl) like this:

> What does CROSS_GCC resolve to? I noticed this output from configure yesterday (normally it's cut off by the character history limit):

Depends what the target really is. We're using the same rule both for "host"
compiles, meaning it's not actually cross compiled; in this case this will be
the regular compiler. In non-"host" compiles where we have a real
crosscompilation to different architectures this may either resolve to the real
crosscompiler or to a wrapper script modifying some linking etc. options for
a custom libc.

I'm not exactly sure what you're trying here or why it doesn't work but I'm
quite certain that a real crosscompilation from x86_64 to x86 does work if
you'd be using a real crosscompiler (or simply the x86 version which should
run just fine in 32bit mode) rather doing a fake crosscompilation with special
compiler options.


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Received on 2010-09-18