cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Bug in ftp_nextconnect? version: libcurl 7.21.1

From: Mehmet Bozkurt <>
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2010 16:41:52 +0200

In ftp.c , function ftp_nextconnect, line 3395:

ftp->downloadsize = -1; /* unknown as of yet */

result = ftp_range(conn);
else if(data->set.ftp_list_only || !ftpc->file) { <---
This check here, line 3395
  /* The specified path ends with a slash, and therefore we think this
     is a directory that is requested, use LIST. But before that we
     need to set ASCII transfer mode. */

  /* But only if a body transfer was requested. */
   if(ftp->transfer == FTPTRANSFER_BODY) {
     result = ftp_nb_type(conn, TRUE, FTP_LIST_TYPE);
If a client has requested a NLST with (CURLOPT_DIRLISTONLY,1L) and after
receiving the result
does a request for a file, such as ftp://localhost/file.txt, the result will
be an
NLST being issued to the server again.

I think the else if should be:
else if(data->set.ftp_list_only && !ftpc->file) {

Or perhaps I did something strange in my test program...


List admin:
Received on 2010-09-15