cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


RE: Trying not to wait for reply

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 08:34:52 +0200 (CEST)

On Wed, 18 Aug 2010, Jess Hmby wrote:

> Yes, I know, but I programmed my server so it would send that reply (HTTP
> 200 OK) to the third machine instead of the client. Then, this third machine
> sends the HTTP 200 OK (or any other HTTP format reply) back to the client.
> So you are right, my server does not send a reply to the client. I use HTTP
> messages but I do not follow the common request-reply sequence between
> client and server

That is not HTTP then by definition.

List admin:
Received on 2010-08-18