cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Compile issues with Digi NET+OS

From: Matt Olcikas <>
Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2010 12:14:07 -0500

I am working on porting libcurl to Digi NET+OS. I think I almost have it
compiling, but I am stuck on 2 compile errors.


../lib/libcurl/lib/formdata.c: In function 'AddFormData':

../lib/libcurl/lib/formdata.c:886: error: storage size of 'file' isn't

../lib/libcurl/lib/formdata.c:887: warning: implicit declaration of
function 'stat'

../lib/libcurl/lib/formdata.c:886: warning: unused variable 'file'


It looks like the struct stat is not defined anywhere. Where can I find
the correct definition for this struct?


../lib/libcurl/lib/timeval.c: In function 'curlx_tvnow':

../lib/libcurl/lib/timeval.c:97: warning: implicit declaration of
function 'time'


The OS does not have a function named "time". Do I need to write my own
"time" function that returns time since epoch in seconds? Is the epoch
the standard jan 1 1970? This would not be too hard to do since our
product will have an RTC.




Matthew Olcikas

Software Engineer - B&B Electronics

Phone: (815) 434-8759


List admin:
Received on 2010-08-06