cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


c-ares and porting to Symbian

From: Frank Mcgeough <>
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 2010 16:16:29 -0500

I'm looking through the changelogs and libcurl changes since 7.19.6
trying to determine if I should try and attempt to port c-ares to
Symbian (or if its even possible). I have libcurl (7.19.6) running in
Symbian and it works very well (thanks everyone that has worked on
this!). The only issue that I see periodically is hangs on DNS
lookups. Symbian doesn't really have POSIX signals. It didn't have
them at all when I started working on this and now it has something
that doesn't quite work and that the creators basically advise against
anyone using. So the basic libcurl (without c-ares) timeouts using
signals in DNS lookups aren't used (I'll see the "Info: timeout on
name lookup is not supported" message in my logs).

Is there advice that older and/or wiser people can give for porting c-
ares to Symbian? If nobody tells me this is totally foolish then I'll
start in tomorrow to see what I can get to compile for this platform.

thank you.
List admin:
Received on 2010-03-03