cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Issue with Curb and closing connection

From: Emmanuel Pinault <>
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2009 10:38:56 -0700


So I am executing the following code and while it is running and
waiting, I am noticing that none of the connection are being closed..
Is there a way to force the closing of the connection? I tried using
the headers as you can tell but still not working....

require 'rubygems'
require 'curb'

(1..100).each do |n|
         curl ="http://localhost:5000")
         curl.headers["Connection"] = "Close"
         curl.http_post("/test", "q=hello")
         curl = nil
sleep 60

I really like libcurl but the fact that it is not closing the
connection after an object is marked to nil.. then it causes all those
connection to be open until the ruby process finished...


Received on 2009-09-02