Re: NSS and configure and pkg-config
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 19:29:23 +0200 (CEST)
On Mon, 31 Aug 2009, Guenter wrote:
>> I am not an autotools guru, but this line looks like a bad idea to me. It's
>> not generic enough assumption. It's a bit subtle to place something like
>> this to
> so where can we seek for such a guru? :)
This isn't really a NSS nor autotool problem. I can write autotool checks for
all this just fine if we can just write down the solution in plain english.
In general the problem with pkg-config for cross-compiles AFAIK, is that
pkg-config has a central "database" and for a given system that holds the
native libs.
To ask pkg-config for info about a particular package for _another_ system
than the local, you have to either find another pkg-config installation or
figure out how to tell pkg-config to use another database.
Perhaps we simply need a new option to configure to specify what pkg-config to
-- / daniel.haxx.seReceived on 2009-08-31