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Re: Cross compiled libcurl (ARM) crashs on curl_easy_perform()

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009 15:41:54 +0200 (CEST)

On Mon, 17 Aug 2009, Adrian Batzill wrote:

Please don't top-post:

> Sadly I can't use GDB (or strace) directly, since it's just a small embedded
> system.

Really? You can fit an application built with libcurl but you cannot fit
strace on there? You know you can mount remote directories using NFS, right?

I would strongly advice you to up your efforts on that solution. Writing
software for an embedded device with no decent way to debug it is not a good

> However, i got a core dump which I fed to my local gdb. Sadly I couldn't get
> a backtrace, but just an error telling me that the stack was smashed.

I don't see what we can do about this problem then. You can sprincle the code
with printf()s or infof()s but without any clues about what's happening it
might turn out to be quite a boring and time-consuming job.

Received on 2009-08-17