cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: Libcurl Dying at Perform()

From: Kamil Dudka <>
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2009 23:49:53 +0200

On Sunday 16 of August 2009 23:43:31 Brandon Tate wrote:
> I've been messing around quite a bit and have made some discoveries.
> 1) Can run examples from the command line (used
> 2) Cgi doesn't crash if no URL Option is set.
> So, why would curl just die if a URL is set. Other options can be set
> without an issue. Maybe a permissions issue with outgoing connections
> in the cgi? Not sure how I would go about checking that. Any insight/
> suggestions?

There can be different libraries used from the command line and different from
the CGI script. Yes, there might be also a problem with permissions. But I
have no experiences with CGI yet. Maybe someone else could give an advice.

But at first you need to discover how does it die. Maybe you want to dig some
CGI logs?

Received on 2009-08-16