cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: Win64 target (MingW64) autobuilds

From: Guenter <>
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 23:12:51 +0200

Hi Yang,
Yang Tse schrieb:
> Nah. Forget _everything_ I've written on this thread. It must be the
> remainder of some big party :-) I should keep 100% off-line when on
> holidays.
> Crawling back into my pit,
hey, hey -- we can only do better if we discuss about our fails!
I know that you worked very hard on the sizes stuff, and therefore I
take your comments seriously. I was just asking which commit you
actually mean because I triple-checked that the casts I recently did
apply to Linux x86_64 builds too (which however doesnt mean that I was
probably wrong, mixed something up, whatever...).

Beside that wish you happy holidays and nice parties!!

greets, Gün.
Received on 2009-07-20