cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


RE: Design Change Proposal: Transparent Authentication Negotiation

From: Aaron Oneal <>
Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 17:04:41 -0700

>> It would be great too if the docs could be updated to reflect that the
>> current option returns headers from the multiple responses which occur
>> during auth negotiation and not just the final response. I believe these
>> changes would make it easier to use the library. Thanks.

> Do you have any suggested changes/wording we could use? Would you
> this info to be (better) documented in the CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION

Yes, that is where I would expect to find an explanation of this behavior.
You could add to the end of that section something like:

It's important to note that the callback will be invoked for the headers of
all responses received after initiating a request and not just the final
response. This includes all responses which occur during authentication
negotiation. If you need to operate on only the headers from the final
response, you will need to collect headers in the callback yourself and use
HTTP status lines, for example, to delimit response boundaries.
Received on 2009-06-07