Malformed/Non-standard Set-Cookie or libcurl bug?
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 18:08:04 +0200
Hi all,
I'm dealing with an HTTP reply from a server which cause libcurl to
block without getting any response data from it.
I tried with verbose mode too but program blocks after request is sent.
I thought it was a communication problem and tried to "sniff" data
traffic with wireshark but the HTTP response is correctly received so
I thought something strange must happen while libcurl parses HTTP
I analyzed trace provided by wireshark and found a "Set-Cookie" line a
bit strange (at least for me):
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=F44D3CB5A7CA1A236802F4DE80B956EC; Path=/\r\n\r\n
I'm wondering whether the above line is compliant with the standard or
not (especially what had been sent from the server after the ';' ). If
not, could this be the reason why the program blocks?
Received on 2009-04-17