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Re[2]: Build using CMake

From: Tetetest <>
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 01:30:47 +0400

Hello Piotr,

Tuesday, March 31, 2009, 8:34:05 PM, you wrote:

PD> tetetest tetetest wrote:

>> By the way, we need not keep two separate build chains. It is far more
>> convenient to use some kind of 'cmakify' script that will parse
>> existing autoconf files and create CMakeLists and feature tests based

PD> I don't believe we could manage to do such a trick.

What makes you think so? Collaboration makes miracles.

Autoconf files do not come from another galaxy - they are maintained
by live people. CMake build system can do exactly the same checks as
autoconf script, so conversion between autoconf and cmake is, most of
the time, the question of extracting pieces of text, re-formatting
them by some rule and inserting them into some other files at certain

Some pieces of text in autoconf files may have similar structure, but
completely different semantics (I am theoretizing here, for I have no
examples at hand). To help the script decide how to convert the
particular piece of text, we may add special comments to the autoconf
files. Some hard-to-parse constructs may be simplified for the script.

The aim is not to write a "universal autotools-to-cmake translator" -
we just need a tool that extracts relevant checks from autotool
buildchain and stuffs them into cmake one.

Best regards,
Received on 2009-03-31