Re: Build using CMake
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 18:45:45 +0200
Andy Lego wrote:
> Hello,
> I participated in projects where that was the idea and eventually one of
> the build systems "won". The logistics of maintaining two build systems
> are simply too big.
It's rather a strange conclusion. Thinking this way no big software
development project could have ever existed because it would have been
"simply" too big to manage...
Platforms are divided on those supported by autotools and those
supported by cmake (they overlaps of course but it doesn't matter here).
If there are users building curl on both types of platforms there is no
other way than to support two build systems.
What we have now is there are much more Linux users of curl than Windows
ones and because of this nmake makefiles are far from perfect.
> As for the initial implementation, I did it twice already, since CMake
> is using libcurl and it actually distributes one (though an old version
> by now). I just want to make sure that if I do it again, that people
> will take over and maintain it.
I will. I will try at least :)
-- Piotr Dobrogost *** - c++ wrapper for libcurl ***Received on 2009-03-31