Re: SSL Cert information filling up memory
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 16:05:15 +0200
Jacques Verryn wrote:
> OS/Dist: Linux - Fedora 10
> libCurl Version: libcurl-7.18.2-7.fc10.i386
> I'm running into a memory issue when doing https calls using the
> curl_easy interface.
> If I open the core file generated as a result of the abort() on the
> second last line,
> I can see the CA information repeat many times over. The more
> iterations, the more the
> cacert info repeats.
> The above code is the preferred way, for me, to implement my solution,
> but I also tried putting a curl_easy_reset
> at the top of the for-loop and resetting all the options on each
> iteration.
> I also tried creating a new curl_easy_init connection for each
> iteration, but the results remained the same.
> Regards
> Jacques
It would appear as if the problem is situated even deeper, seeing as
libcurl also only passes the cainfo file name to openssl.
Is anybody else seeing this behaviour?
Received on 2009-01-12