RE: Link problems under OpenVMS
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 16:57:54 +0100
Thank you for your answer.
I hoped that someone using libcurl under VMS could help me.
As you say, the C RunTime Library provides these functions
But,for some reason, I am not able to link the curllib package.
I will try to build the library from source code.
-----Original message-----
10 december 2008 11:12
Re: Link problems under OpenVMS
>Such VMS-specific details are not often discussed here so I really have
>idea about this. I know basically nothing about VMS.
>But how can this be a compiler version issue? If the lib ("C RTL") you
>provide these functions, why doesn't the linker simply see those
symbols and
>link your program fine?
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