cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Problem Related to CURLE_GOT_NOTHING

From: Ajeet kumar.S <>
Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2008 12:36:38 +0530

Dear All,

             Thank you all for your support. I was trying to connect to the
streaming server using curl (url Like: While
connecting I was getting CURLE_GOT_NOTHING from one time and later I was
getting success.

Now I changed device platform to another device then I always got
CURLE_GOT_NOTHING. Till now I did not able to connect to the server. I used
curl option as written below:


int i;

CURLcode ret;

ret = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, https_url);


for( i =0; i<5; i++)


     ret = curl_easy_perform(curl);

    if(ret == CURLE_OK)



Please clear my doubt what is "CURLE_GOT_NOTHING". Is this error related to
server side or client side. What is the reason for this error . How we can
fix it. Is it due to delay or any other reason.

Another doubt is that when we are connecting to server using https:

First time we were getting the error message Curl SSL couldn't connect and
for the second time we were getting "CURLE_GOT_NOTHING". For the third time
we were getting CURLE_OK.Can you please clarify us that why we are not
succeeding in the first time.

Thank you.


--Ajeet Kumar Singh



May all be happy; May all be without disease; May all have well-being; May
none have misery of any sort.


Received on 2008-08-08