cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Issue with Curl_Transfer()

From: Vinod Kone <>
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 14:44:43 -0700 (PDT)

Hi all,

I am using libcurl in my C++ project. I have the following issue.

The basic idea is to use libcurl to do live audio streaming from websites.

When I have a DSL cable connection, the curl_transfer is working properly and it never returns (because its essentially infinite stream).

But when I use a cellular pc card connection, curl_transfer returns almost immediately and I get a message "connection left intact". I think this is because of some timeout values that libcurl uses?

Could someone let me know how should I go about resolving this issue. I tried going through the libcurl code, but couldnt pinpoint the issue so far.


Received on 2008-07-22