Is there a size limit on using CURLFORM_FILE?
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 11:53:50 -0600
Is there a size limit on using CURLFORM_FILE when sending simple http uploads?
I have tried a simple test and it works up to around 4MB and then odd things happen like zero bytes uploaded or the FILESPEC form
field NULL.
----- snip -----
// -------------------------------------------------------------
res = curl_formadd ( // add field/value for test
&formPostSendFile, // the form to add to
&lastPtr, // managed by formadd
// set the value of "filename" to src
CURLFORM_COPYCONTENTS, // actually copy the field
szDestinationFilespec, // our target file specification
) ; // per libcurl spec
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// setup a simple sendfile form, the php script simply copies the
// uploaded file and creates an upload logfile entry for testing
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
res = curl_formadd ( // add field/value for sendfile/callback test
&formPostSendFile, // libcurl form for sendfile
&lastPtr, // managed by formadd
CURLFORM_FILE, szLocalFilespec, // HTTP upload
) ; // per libcurl spec
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Tells libcurl you want a multipart/formdata HTTP POST to be
// made and you instruct what data to pass on to the server.
// Pass a pointer to a linked list of curl_httppost structs as
// parameter. . The easiest way to create such a list, is to
// use curl_formadd(3) as documented. The data in this list must
// remain intact until you close this curl handle again with
// curl_easy_cleanup(3).
// -------------------------------------------------------------
res = curl_easy_setopt ( curlhSendFile, CURLOPT_HTTPPOST,
formPostSendFile ) ;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// check the msecs before and after the call to easy perform
ulStartTick = GetTickCount ( ) ; // keep track of elapsed time
res = curl_easy_perform ( curlhSendFile ) ; // << -- BOOM !!!
ulEndTick = GetTickCount ( ) ; // end timer millisecond tick
ulSendFilePerformMSecs = ulEndTick - ulStartTick ; // n msecs
----- snip -----
Received on 2008-07-22