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Re: form POST problems with 64 bit Linux build ?

From: Michal Marek <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 13:23:11 +0200

Stephen Collyer wrote:
> 5. The same code works perfectly on a 32 bit Opensuse 10,3
> installation with the same libcurl version i.e. it emits
> the POST data as well as the header.
> So my question is: are there known POST problems with 64 bit
> libcurl 7.16.4, and is the problem likely to go away with a
> newer version, or have I run into something new ?
> Or is there some subtle error in the way that I'm constructing
> the form perhaps, that hasn't shown up until now ?

Likely. Make sure that you are passing longs where the documentation
tells you so.

Received on 2008-07-17