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Re: c++ libcurl: telnet

From: Dan Fandrich <>
Date: Thu, 22 May 2008 07:37:41 -0700

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 05:18:17AM -0700, Julius Morales Reolizo wrote:
> I tried libcurl on linux/c++ for telnet for a week now, btw, I am quite new; or should I say really new. I do not get results I needed. connection and reply from the server. Even that easy thing. I barely do more than connecting an http using the simplest example found at the net.

Are you trying to connect using telnet or http? Your message isn't clear.
What example are you using? Please show us your code, what you see when
you connect and what you expect to see.

> Please help me. Even for connection and reply. It would be a celebration since all over the net I could never find an answer.
> Thanks for the time, and God bless to you all.

We need much more specific information than "I do not get results"
before we can help.

>>> Dan

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Received on 2008-05-22