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libCurl 7.16.3: What happens when removing an "running" easy handle from a multi handle and clean it up afterwards?

From: Stefan Krause <>
Date: Thu, 03 Apr 2008 20:46:43 +0200


I'm using libCurl 7.16.3. What happens when removing an "running" easy
handle from a multi handle and clean it up afterwards?
For example, 50 % of data are already transferred from or to an http
server (HTTP and HTTPS protocol is used) as my application does down-/
and uploads (HEAD, GET and POST requests). That data is read in and
written via callbacks registered at libCurl.

What I want to do is to "abort" a HEAD, GET or POST request at any time.

 From that a couple of questions arise:

1) What happens with the socket connection? Will it stay open and is
reused after a HTTP request running on it is aborted?
2) What happens with data send to the server? Does the server throw the
partly received data away? How it is achieved that the server does not
operate on incomplete data? How it is signaled to the server, that the
data is not complete?
3) Is that possible with libCurl 7.16.3 without problems or do you
recommend upgrading to a particular version (which one?) ?
    The SW I am writing parts of is currently short before production
release. Changes of high risk I have to carefully thin about.
    Therefore I am quite interested in your opinion about possible risks
of aborting HTTP requests ?

Thanks in advance, best regards

Received on 2008-04-03