RE: libcurl FTP - directory listing by file mask
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 11:11:12 -0400
Dan, Built-in ftp clients on most platforms have mget functions
implemented. You can issue a command 'mget *.txt' and you will receive
all files that meet the mask. I doubt that *.txt is legal as a file name
on UNIX. I was unable to create a file with this name on HP-UX or
Solaris. Also, try 'ls *.txt' or 'vi *.txt' It will list all files with
*.txt extension and open *.txt files one after another.
So far I was unable to make CURLOPT_DIRLISTONLY to do a wildcard
directory listing. This feature is critical for us. Please provide any
We ar ecurently using libcurl-7.16.1 and the actual setting is
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Dan Fandrich
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 3:29 AM
Subject: Re: libcurl FTP - directory listing by file mask
On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 04:47:56PM -0400, Alla Bogolubov wrote:
> What is the way to request a directory listing by file mask? Is there
a way to
> receive listing of ?*.txt? files using CURLOPT_DIRLISTONLY?
Hmmm, I just took a look at the code and it looks like there isn't a
Just how would such a feature work? How would you be able to tell the
difference between, for example, downloading a file called "*.txt" (it's
legal name on UNIX) and doing a wildcard directory listing? Unless
were enabled only when CURLOPT_DIRLISTONLY is set--that might work,
it's then a bit inconsistent.
>>> Dan
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