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RE: link error ___imp___select@20 error?

From: Ng Qing Xiang <>
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 12:34:24 +0000

thanks a million! i linked the ws2_32.lib and the error's gone!

but now im missing zlib1.dll. it prompts me for it when i run the program... the MSVC doesn't come with it, mingW's copy doesn't work...

> Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 04:41:28 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: link error ___imp___select_at_20 error?
> Ng Qing Xiang wrote:
> > Salmanzadeh VS tutorial. I wrote my program, and i used the fopen.c
> > example in it. meaning i #include "fopen.c" and wrote my program using
> > the example functions (namely, fopen and fget) to open a url file and
> > save its contents. When I tired to link the program, this error poped
> > up. This error seems specific to the fill_buffer function in fopen.c
> > though. when i commented out the lines which calls them (thus
> > rendering the program useless), the error is gone.
> The error is telling you that the linker saw that a function tried to
> call the select() function but there was no such function found in any
> library.
> The main problem with using that fopen.c example on Windows is that the
> example assumes a *nix environment, and select() works much differently
> on Windows and *nix. On *nix, select is part of the base C library and
> you don't have to specify any special options to link it. It also works
> with generic fds, i.e. you can mix files, sockets, etc. in the fdsets.
> On Windows, there is no general purpose select(). The Winsock API
> provides an implementation of select(), but it is useful only for socket
> handles, not for file descriptors (fds). And since it's part of Winsock
> you have to include the proper winsock header and link against the
> proper library. Normally this means #include <winsock2.h> and linking
> with ws2_32.lib (MSVC) or -lws2_32 (mingw). You also have to initialize
> winsock, but that is taken care of by curl.
> But the more deeper issue is whether that example will work with the
> different semantics of the Winsock select. As a default I would guess
> that it won't, but there's a chance that it would. In general though
> you can't just port over code using select() from *nix unmodified.
> Brian

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Received on 2008-03-17