cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: Asynchronous

From: Alan Wolfe <>
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 23:02:14 -0700

Hi Ramprakash,

Hopefully I'm not oversimplifying the problem, but as you receive data
could you store that in a file and when that file got over a certain
size or when you knew you werent going to get any more data then it
could post the contents of the file to the server?

On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 10:46 PM, Ramprakash Jelari thinakaran
<> wrote:
> HI all,
> Is there any possibility to avoid multiple post?...
> Facing some problem with Following Approach.
> Client application is sending some chunk of data to me very frequently.
> Let's say with an API,
> SendTo(data);.
> for(i=0; i<100; i++)
> {
> create data
> sendto(data);
> }
> sendto(data)
> {
> set the data for POST
> do curl_easy_perform ()
> }
> each time i get the data, i do curl_easy_perform which will do the HTTP
> post?..
> what i don't want to do is the HTTP POST for each sendTo(data), instead, i
> would like to
> make the client buffer available into the ReadCallback function, so that it
> keeps on sending the data to the server as long as the client provided the
> data?. Ultimate goal is to avoid the multiple post, but with the single post
> multiple data.
> So, is there any asynchronous operation that can be performed in the
> libcurl?
> Kindly guide me.
> ----
> Ramprakash Jelari.
Received on 2008-03-10