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How can i stop the data transfer while downloading file from a web server

From: Bruce Peng <>
Date: Thu, 01 Nov 2007 23:13:14 +0800

Hi, All:
When i program with libcurl, i meet a problem. I download file using
libcurl(HTTP), After curl_easy_perform is invoked, 1 byte, 2 bytes, 3,
4, 5,,,,,,,,data receiving.
But sometimes, it stops receiving data before complete. It's waitting
there, curl_easy_perform will not return. i am sure it's because no data
is coming from server.
So, i want to stop the data transfer, making the curl_easy_perform to
return. I try to find an curl option like "response timeout", but failed.
Can somebody tell me how? thanks!

Good luck!

bruce peng
Received on 2007-11-01