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How to get a Soap reply message in http replay package

From: 沈军晖 <>
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2007 16:51:10 +0800

     I am a fresh guy and first to use the curl lib to develope a samll
program that send/receive soap messages on http. However, i have a little
confuse how to get a soap replay message after invloving curl_peform
fucntion. Following is the souce code to send a SOAP request envelop to web
service and i want get the SOAP response content from the HTTP return
package. how to do? Thanks

 URL is the destination of web service provider
message is the soap envelop message contains the request info
void sendRequest(const char* url, char* message)
    Init the curl handle.....

     CURLcode ret = CURLE_OK;
     if (easyHandle != NULL)
         /*output the debug info*/
         /*tell CURL the destination*/
         /*using the POST model to send data*/
         /*tell CURL what message will be sent*/
         /*post message*/
         ret = curl_easy_perform(easyHandle);

        if (ret != CURLE_OK) //get error info
            fprintf(stdout, "CURL send message is failed: %d\n",
          fprintf(stdout, "CURL handle is not initialized!\n");

  free the curl handle....

Received on 2007-10-09