Re: curl_multi_perform usage & easy handle "reset"
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2007 19:24:41 +0200
On 8/11/07, Davide Pippa <> wrote:
> >> The only API improvement I would propose could be a function that
> changes
> >> the multi state from the blocking states (CURLM_STATE_COMPLETED or
> >> CURLM_STATE_CANCELLED) to the state CURLM_STATE_INIT, doing the various
> >> initializations; a sort of fusion of remove/add functions without the
> linked
> >> list management.
> >
> >I've been pondering on allowing curl_multi_add_handle() on an already
> added
> >handle to do exactly that: reset the state and thus restart the transfer.
> >Currently, calling curl_multi_add_handle() on an already added handle
> will
> >result in CURLM_BAD_EASY_HANDLE getting returned.
> That sounds even better and consistent as you couldn't reset a handle
> not being already in the multi handle... the only drawback is backward
> compatibility, maybe someone relies on that add_handle() behaviour.
I would agree with Davide, that it is better not to have API with
overloading of functionality.
add - should really add,
remove - should really remove
There are two major user scenarios here:
a) restart transfer using a handle with the same URL, etc as for the
previous transfer;
b) re-use the handle for another URL (could be after http - ftp), or other
case a) may be handled by some curl_multi_restart_handle ()
Case b) requires:
1) reset an easy handle;
2) setting a new URL, new params to an easy handle;
Still it does not work without correcting states.
It looks like function curl_multi_restart_handle () might be of assistance
for this case as well.
-- Sincerely, Robert Iakobashvili, coroberti %x40 gmail %x2e com ........................................................... A web testing and traffic generation tool.Received on 2007-08-11