Re: libcurl versus JAVA performance
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 22:35:57 +0200
Hi Kjell Ericson,
On 7/24/07, Kjell Ericson <> wrote:
> > The JAVA fans were confident, that the modern JDK 1.5 JAVA has at least
> > the same if not better performance.
> This "argument war" will continue because C-people and Java-people talks about
> different sides of the issue. Java is never faster if:
> * The processor is known when compiling a program.
> * The program doesn't loop around in the same code so the optimisation is
> gained after the JIT.
> > If somebody on the list has benchmarked or tried HTTP and HTTPS both with
> > JAVA and libcurl based implementations?
> I doubt that benchmark exist. But you can always read this page:
Thank you for the link.
> But telling the Java fans this will not convince them. For each and every
> program will they find one small "advantage" for Java that will make Java much
> better than every other programming language (mostly because Java fans don't
> know any other language :-).
This is not the case. Dealing with some great people with a profound knowledge
of assemblers C/C++ as well as java at the server side.
I am looking for some really solid data and benchmarking results or personal
Could it be the the great people of Sun and IBM have optimized so good
HTTP and TLS/SSL stacks in JDK?
-- Sincerely, Robert Iakobashvili, coroberti %x40 gmail %x2e com ........................................................... A web testing and traffic generation tool.Received on 2007-07-24