cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: [curlib.lib] unresolved externals Problems!!

From: Tiago Conceição <>
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 12:42:52 +0000

i want to use curlib.lib not libcurl.lib because the libcurl.lib need extern
dll libcurl.dll

i download new curl src (cURL daily snapshots) because is now ready to link
a static lib
i open project curlib
after i go to c++/procesor

DCURL_STATICLIB (only needed to be added)

after compile. that giveme the curlib.lib

after i go to my project c++/processor

and i add 'CURL_STATICLIB'
and go to linker and add 'ws2_32.lib winmm.lib curlib.lib'

and compile = compile but with external errors in curl_easy_init() or in
other type

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Received on 2007-04-11