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Javascript checks BODYelement.clientWidth before issuing html

From: Tom Donnelly <>
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2007 09:35:51 -0700

I've been pulling html from a website for some time and they have
recently introduced a piece of pre-amble front-end script which checks
the current physical width of the screen using the above method.


Then it looks for a stored version of the width in a cookie.


Are you still with me? :)


If the stored version is not set or the stored version doesn't match the
current width, it stores the current width in the cookie and issues a
script location.href redirect back to the same page. Only by getting
past these checks, will the script disgorge the html I'm trying to


Given it's standing guard at the head of the page I want to retrieve, I
can't think of an obvious way around this as BODYelement.clientWidth
never executes and cannot match what's in a cookie as the cookie is set
from this field and re-checked with a recursive redirect.


Am I missing something obvious?




(And yes, if you disable cookies, the script goes into a loop)


Received on 2007-03-25