cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


keeping connection on multi_remove_handle for FTP

From: Armel Asselin <>
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2006 11:32:17 +0100

Hello all,

some times ago, I proposed to develop the following behaviour: when a easy handle for a FTP connection is removed from a multi, it should be canceled nicely so that the (control) connection to the server is kept (avoiding full renogatiation of user/pwd/account/encryption level/ssl).

my basic idea would be to put a flag on the control connection such as "want_abort" but do not close it. if it is actually reused, the abort command would be first sent, on irremediable failure, the connection could be restarted as if not reused. one other solution would be to just send the command at ABOR (without waiting for the reply at cancel time, but reading the reply at re-use time, if any, so have a "abort_sent" flag in the connection).

does it seem OK?

Armel Asselin
Received on 2006-12-03