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Uploading file to auth http server, when login url is different to upload url??

From: Theodore H. Smith <>
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2006 17:32:21 +0000

Hi people,

I'm trying to do something that is actually quite simple on the PC,
but for the Mac I'm finding this hard. So this is a bit of a shame

I want to log into into a certain url with http auth by supplying a
name and password, and without breaking the http connection, then
upload a file to a different url!

It's done on the PC using this library called W3Client which was
found on

   W3Client w3;

   w3.Connect("", username,
password); // logs in here

   w3.AddPostArgument("course", strFile, TRUE);

W3Client::reqPostMultipartsFormdata); // uploads!

See, easy!

w3.Request will connect to the URL "

So basically, it appends the thing to the URL it connected to.

The uploading is done via the Post argument thingy.

So, I can do this with 4 lines of code on the PC using W3Client.

I tried with curl (as a shell tool not library), which eventually I
found couldn't work, simply because... I can't log into one url and
then upload to another. I tried all sorts of different combinations
with curl. I tried multiple connection attempts (calling curl then
calling it again after it completes). I tried passing two urls to
curl, that also failed because the login page refuses to login if
I've got any POST arguments!

It just won't work.

Can Macs even do this?

Must I resort to writing my own socket wrapper and do all the http
stuff manually? :( If it can't be done with curl, perhaps some Mac
people can tell me the easiest way to do this? As it looks to me,
Cocoa can't do it.

Received on 2006-11-01