cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Autobuild table information

From: Yang Tse <>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 23:46:19 +0200


At this moment when a test suite result is shown on the autobuild
table with tests that have failed to start the FTP, HTTP... servers
they are considered as 'not failed' since they have not run. And the
'Test' column only reflects those that have run and failed or passed.

The fact that a large number of tests, let's say at least 5, are not
able to run because the FTP, HTTP... servers have failed to start,
most likely needs attention by the one who's running the server, kill
previous running test or something.

It would be nice if by just looking at the autobuild table we were
able to spot this condition in an easy way.

One way could be counting as actual errors those tests that have not
failed but have not started due to FTP, HTTP... servers not starting.
In this way we would know for sure that the log file for that
testsuite needs to be inspected.

And another one could be something as showing a failed state as it is
now done with 'configure' 'link' 'fail', maybe 'reboot', 'busy' or
unavailable' ?? ;-)

Does this make any sense ?

Best regards,

Received on 2006-10-25