Direct socket IO with libcurl?
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 20:27:07 +0100
I am working on replacing the old bug-ridden HTTP code in mpg123 with
something a bit better and then thought that perhaps I should be
using libcurl instead. It would also give us https and lots of other
protocols for free..
Currently we have a function or two that establishes the HTTP
connection, and then normal file IO code is used to read in the MPEG
Audio from the socket for decoding. Is something like this possible
with libcurl?
All the examples I have seen on the website use callback functions
and intermediate buffers, which I would ideally like to avoid (and
keep the memory footprint down). While having a buffer would help
with network stalls, reading MPEG Audio directly from the network
socket has always worked quite well in mpg123.
Are there any other applications using libcurl for continuous
streaming like this... ?
Received on 2006-10-18