cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail



From: Mohun Biswas <>
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2006 09:49:38 -0400

Armel Asselin wrote:
> ...
> Mohun: is it more clear?

Yes, thank you both. I had basically missed the distinction between
"name" and "filename".

I do think this man page might benefit from a bit of grouping, or
another way of clarifying which options go together.

A few related notes on curlform stuff:

1. It appears that "filename" attributes are silently converted to lower
case and basenamed. I.e. 'curl_formadd(CURLFORM_FILENAME, "/FOO/BAR")'
results in "bar" being sent to the server according to my network
analyzer. I took a quick look at RFCs 2388 and 2184 but didn't see this
as a requirement anywhere. Is it?

2. Some combinations are illegal yet not clearly shown so. For instance
I have a buffer which I want to send as a file upload part but I need to
free my copy before the transfer. Thus I want COPYCONTENTS (as opposed
to PTRCONTENTS) behavior. I tried this combo:

curl_formadd(&formpost, &lastpost,
                 CURLFORM_CONTENTTYPE, "application/text; charset=UTF-8",
                 CURLFORM_COPYNAME, partname,
                CURLFORM_FILENAME, filename, // seems not allowed
                 CURLFORM_COPYCONTENTS, buf,
                 CURLFORM_CONTENTSLENGTH, bytelen(buf),

which resulted in an empty form. Taking away CURLFORM_FILENAME made it
work (as a non-file part). There seems to be no way to get COPY behavior
for a file part using a pre-existing buffer.

3. Speaking of COPY behavior, I *suspect* the contract is that when you
ask libcurl to copy contents for you they will be freed by
curl_formfree(). But this is nowhere stated explicitly, at least not in
the curl_formadd page.

I would be happy to try contributing a doc patch to improve this once I
understand it sufficiently.

Received on 2006-08-31