cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


can't connect to server when linked with pthreads

From: Marshall Crocker <>
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 16:16:36 -0500

I was a little ahead of myself saying that everything works fine after
building curl without the packages that were causing the stack
smashing. My application runs fine but I keep getting the message:

couldn't connect to server

If I compile my application without linking it to pthreads I don't see
this message and I can confirm data is sent to the server. I'm guessing
this behavior is caused by the pthreads library which denies curl access
to functions it needs that aren't thread safe. I get the same result
when curl is compiled with and without thread safe functions.

Is there anyway I can figure out what functions curl is having problems
accessing if that is the problem?

Received on 2006-07-31