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Re: Can cURL only POST for SOAP?

From: Kevin Carothers <>
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2006 12:55:23 -0700

On 6/7/06, Christopher Bland <> wrote:
> The code is very simple, I just grabbed it from the web.
> [---]


I've had some experience with command-line curl and XML/SOAP-

I have to send a lot of data to
they support both XML-RPC and SOAP interaces.

The big thing I noticed was that SOAP messages (to require
some unique HTTP headers- Yes, CURL can send custom HTTP hdrs, but it gets
a little weird in the way it interacts with other options (Sorry Daniel-
just my HO :-).

You might want to look at whatever interface specs you have for your SOAP
server and verify that not just the SOAP data is correct, but that the
entire HTTP message is correct.

Hope this helps,
Received on 2006-06-07