cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Proxy Authentication

From: Himanshu Purohit <>
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2006 00:19:46 -0700 (PDT)

Hi all,
            I want to download a file using CUrl. I am using proxy .. without proxy it works fine but if i use proxy then it doesn't . the code is as following ..
  unsigned long ulProxyAuthType = 0;
CURLcode CRet = curl_easy_getinfo(m_pCURL,CURLINFO_PROXYAUTH_AVAIL,&ulProxyAuthType);
  if ((ulProxyAuthType & CURLAUTH_BASIC) == CURLAUTH_BASIC)
  CRet = curl_easy_setopt(m_pCURL, CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC);
CRet = curl_easy_setopt(m_pCURL, CURLOPT_PROXY, ipadd:port);
   CRet = curl_easy_setopt(m_pCURL, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD,proxy_usrname:pswd);
   CRet = curl_easy_perform(m_pCURL);
   if (CRet != CURLE_OK)
             // download file code
    // http state is 407
  now my question is where is teh problem?? and why execution goes to https state 407 even if i have handled proxy authenticaton..
  can ny body guide me on this??

Himanshu P. Purohit
School of Information Technology,
IIT - Khargpur,
West Bengal.

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