cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail



From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2006 23:37:38 +0100 (CET)

On Sat, 18 Feb 2006, Silex wrote:

> I just wanted to signal that when you set CURLOPT_CREATE_MISSING_DIRS and
> you transfer an empty folder ( with an url like ),

I don't get it. When do "you transfer an empty folder" ? You mean when you ask
for a directory listing? Or are you uploading data?

> it stores a file named (nil).

It being libcurl I guess? You mean it creates a file named "(nil)" ? If so,
since when does libcurl create local file for you? Or if you're uploading
data, why are you uploding to a file without name?

> To get rid of that you must set CURLOPT_NOBODY to 1.

And what happens then?

> I don't know if it's something intended

Creating a file called "(nil)" is not intended nor documented. I guess FTP
upload to a URL without file name should simply fail.

I don't consider it a very serious error though. Should I?

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Received on 2006-02-18