cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


(no subject)

From: Cris Putnam <>
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 14:26:55 -0500

I am using the curl easy interface to automate authentication through
firewalls. My application was designed to be single threaded and now I am
running into a problem, it hangs if the network goes down during login.

On testing, for example if a wireless user starts the login procedure for
10 firewalls and it makes through 5 of them and then moves to an area where
the network is lost my app hangs.... on 6th login attempt and just stays

 I suppose the curl_easy_perform(curl)call is a blocking call, right?

Is there a specific curl error that gets thrown for no network connection?
Or something I can detect to break out of the login sequence?

Cris D. Putnam
Received on 2006-01-31