cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Passing raw data through a proxy

From: Karl M <>
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 10:17:51 -0800

Hi All...

I would like to use libcurl to build an application that would authenticate
with a proxy and do a CONNECT and then pass raw data through the proxy. I
just need stdin/stdout data transferred to/from the proxy(socket) after the
CONNECT and authentication are complete. I would then use this application
with the ProxyCommand for OpenSSH.

I am new to libcurl/curl.

I am looking for advice on the cleanest way to accomplish this with libcurl
(or curl if it can do it directly). If I need to make extensions, I would
like make the extensions acceptable for contribution to the project.


Received on 2006-01-14