cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


FTP file downloaded but request fails

From: <>
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 09:31:28 -0000

I am trying to download from an unknown FTP server over an internal
network, but each time I use my application to download larger files
(~28mb, can take up to 15mins) they will get to 100% downloaded but then
the connection to the server will timeout and curl_easy_perform() will
return an error, even though it looks as though the whole file has been
transferred. The error I get is 28: CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEOUTED. I am
setting the FTPPORT option as PASV mode doesn't work. CURL.exe behaves
in the same way - gets to 100% then times out and retries
unsuccessfully. Smaller files complete correctly.

I can well believe that there is something a bit odd about the network
setup, but other applications (such as the FTP client supplied with
Windows) work fine.

Currently I have a work around to accept a failed request if my progress
function succeeds and tells me that all bytes have been downloaded. Is
there any way to get libcurl to return success here or anything I might
be doing wrong? If not is it worth adding an option to libcurl to return
a success in this case?

Received on 2006-01-04