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curl_easy_init() crash on solaris

From: Sanjay Vaz <>
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2005 17:27:51 +0000
os: solaris 9
curl: v7.12.2
ssl: built using gcc
i have the following random crash when using libcurl. the crash, when it occurs is always on startup. it doesn't happen everytime.
the ssl_library_init() call is in
but the obj_name_add() call is in from a third party and was probably put to gether using sun's forte compiler. could this be a problem?
(sometimes even after the app starts up successfully there are random crashes with sigill
 in rsa_public_encrypt() function. would this be related?)
please provide any tips.
--- called from signal handler with signal 11 (SIGSEGV) ---
 fdeb2fbc strcmp   (0, 0, f9909754, 0, 0, 7) + 234
 f988b67c lh_insert (0, 5231d0, b, c, 2, 8) + 154
 f9891520 OBJ_NAME_add (0, 2, f921c2a4, 14f, 14000000, 782ec) + bc
 fa1d698c SSL_library_init (fa2edf60, d79f0, fa2edf64, d8188, fa2edf68, fded07d4) + 68
 fa2d1668 curl_global_init (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, fa2ee0d8) + 108
 fa2d1814 curl_easy_init (0, 4acab6, 0, 4, 2f, 50c580) + 2c
 fa3ad064 __1cQCQdDBTHttpSockCURLHStartup6MrknDstdMbasic_string4Ccn0BLchar_traits4Cc__n0BJallocator4Cc_____b_ (4ac300, f907fc74, f907fc73, ff1b4ed0, 1a30, 2a) + 4c
 fa3cf81c __1cLCXMLHttpComHStartUp6MrnDstdMbasic_string4Ccn0BLchar_traits4Cc__n0BJallocator4Cc____pkc5555b_b_ (f907fe64, f907fd94, 4aca8c, 0, 0, 4accbc) + 30c
 fa3c7734 __1cLCCommXFrameHProcess6MrnLCXMLHttpCom__i_ (4acd0c, f907fe64, 0, fe2b45fc, 0, 1) + 29c
 fa3c2fac __1cKProcThread6Fpc_L_ (4e8ac8, fe2b45cc, fe26ec68, 1, 0, fe359804) + 16c
 fe26ed88 __1cIMwThread6Fpv_v_ (ffbfea58, 0, 0, 10340, 3b5430, 3b5430) + 23c
 fe1e5e48 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Received on 2005-10-28