cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: crash in libcurl

From: Jason Pump <>
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2005 12:22:03 -0700

Hi, can you post your code? If you call curl_easy_cleanup() to have to
call curl_easy_init() before using the pointer again. Reading between
the lines it kind of appears that might be your problem. I have what you
describe on many platforms with no problems, once I can get it to compile.

J D wrote:

>Thanks for the tip. I'll continue to look. But the
>pthread I have is pretty simple. All it does is to
>query a server every 5 minutes using a piece of code
>very similar to the https.c sample. This crash usually
>happens when second query is sent. And it crashes in
>curl_easy_perform if I keep same curl handle.
>The version of libcurl is 7.14.1.
>--- Daniel Stenberg <> wrote:
>>On Fri, 21 Oct 2005, J D wrote:
>>>I need a quick https client but it crashes every
>>time I call
>>>cury_easy_cleanup. It looks like a bad pointer
>>being freed.
>>The most common reason for crashes like this is that
>>your application has
>>destroyed some memory.
>>>But I suspect I did something wrong while
>>cross-compling libcurl.
>>I don't think that is very likely. If you could
>>build and run libcurl, it is
>>almost guaranteed that you built it right.
>> Commercial curl and libcurl Technical Support:
Received on 2005-10-24